Friday, April 3, 2009

Why School Uniforms

*In many situations clothing represents the vocational calling of a person, and inherent in a uniform policy is a desire to create a distinctly academic environment where students can remain focused on their teachers and subjects rather than on the distracting clothing of their peers. The neat appearance created by a uniform enhances a ready-to-learn atmosphere.

* A uniform policy saves parents time and hassle; there is no longer the ‘what to wear’ issue.

*A uniform policy saves parents money. The uniform code de-emphasizes the social impact of dress and helps focus the students on character and academic issues. The selected clothes were chosen with price and durability in mind for an overall good value.

*A uniform policy addresses security. On field trips teachers can more easily keep track of students in uniform. On the playground or in the school, teachers and staff can clearly identify students from outsiders.

Further Benefits of School Uniforms


Some say that a child in a school uniform is more likely to take school seriously. Putting on the school uniform signals that he or she is going to school, to their workplace, just like dad dresses up to go to his work place. Schools report that when students dress in "work clothes" rather than "play clothes" they take a more serious approach to their studies.

Reduces Fighting and Violence:

Schools report that school uniforms decrease fighting and violence that arise out of arguments over fashionable clothes. Children invariably tease those who do not have trendy clothes. Those who can't afford name brand clothes are often sensitive about their clothing. Schools struggling with gang problems report that school uniforms help ease tension.


School uniforms look nicer, and a school uniform policy ensures that children will come to school in appropriate clothing, eliminating items that are outlandish or overly revealing. Some students have turned school into an unending fashion show. This distracts from learning, as students spend more time focused on their clothes than on homework.


School uniforms stress that individuality and self-expression are not determined by designer clothing or the latest fashion fad.

Low Cost:

School uniforms are a bargain. They are becoming far less expensive than many other clothes. Furthermore, uniforms last longer because they are made for repeated wash and wear. Many schools capitalize on this by starting used school uniform stores or swap meets. Parents can get used school uniforms at discount prices.

School Spirit:

Some feel wearing a school uniform helps build school spirit. Wearing clothing that is particular to your school instills a feeling of belonging. As the Beach Boys said, "Be true to your school."


Suppressing individuality is the most commonly cited objection to school uniforms; however, it is not a question of whether children will express their individuality but how. Uniforms take the emphasis off of individuality in clothing, and instead encourage individuality of thought.

Hall Closet Uniforms in Moscow, Idaho wishes you luck in all your uniform endeavors.

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